CSO Human Rights Advocacy Platform Liberia

Human rights: The foundation of a just world.

This phrase highlights the importance of human rights in creating a fair and equitable society. It reminds us that human rights are not just a set of abstract ideals, but are essential for building a world where everyone can reach their full potential.

Our Mission & Vision

The objectives of the platform are as follows:


To consolidate human rights advocacy around Liberia to ensure timely redress and change;


To amplify human rights advocacy for timely redress and change.


To ensure enhanced human rights advocacy in a manner and form that is more inclusive of the different human rights organizations.

Women Rights

To consider advocacy on Women Human Rights Issues, SGBV (Sexual Gender Based Violence).


To strengthen human rights advocacy through partnership and solidity amongst human rights actors throughout the length and breadth of Liberia.

All Human Rights

Championing human rights across diverse fronts, from child protection and prison conditions to electoral fairness and economic justice.

let's Stand Together

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Activities Implemented

Created 7 human rights chapters out of the 15 counties in Liberia. The human rights chapters comprised of communities based organization CBOs, NGOs, youth, and women groups working on human rights.
Developed and presented Liberia’s first shadow report on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights to the UN human rights committee in Geneva in 2018, Out of the shadow report, the UN HRC presented its concluding Observations to include the implementation of the TRC report by bring past gross human rights violators to justice;
The CSO platform is following up and to make second shadow report to the UNHRC on the full implementation of concluding observations with specific spotlight on the TRC in Liberia by July 2020 in Geneva;
The CSO platform also participated and presented briefing to the Africa group for Justice and Accountability international justice symposium held in Ghana on past human rights violations in Liberia;
The CSO Platform in collaboration with national and international human rights and justice institutions organized the first national conference on accountability for past crimes in Liberia 2018 as follow up to the UNHRC concluding observations;
The CSO platform through its Secretary General participated and presented briefing on the legacy of past human rights violations fostering the culture of impunity after the conflict in Liberia to the ECOWAS Commission in Nigeria 2019;
The CSO Platform with support from the office of the high commissioner for human rights held a legislative retreat for members of the House of Representatives of the 54 national legislature of Liberia on human rights and accountability for past crimes in Liberia;
The CSO platform co- organized with INCHR the national colloquium on the reflection and revision of the TRC report in Liberia 2019;


1. Liberia ratified the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 2004. Liberia’s initial report on the implementation of the ICCPR was due in 2005. After 11 years of delay, Liberia submitted its initial report on 2nd November 20161. Following the submission of the report, on 21 August 2017 the Committee adopted a List of Issues (LOI)2 . This list sets out 26 key questions in relation to the initial report of Liberia. The State is expected to send its written replies to the Committee before the date scheduled for the review. The first review of Liberia by the Human Rights Committee is scheduled to take place in Geneva during the 122° session from 12 March to 6 April 2018.

2. Methodology In view of the scheduled assessment, the Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform of Liberia with support from the Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) held two days’ national consultations in preparation of a CSOs report in Reply to the List of Issues. The consultations were held on 18th and 19th January 2018 at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia to prepare the report and validated by thematic leads of the Civil Society Human Rights Advocacy Platform.


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